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      0.7 per cup

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      +24.5° +27.3°

    A tapestry of colors and hospitality
    A tapestry of colors and hospitality

    A tapestry of colors and hospitality

    A common theory posits that Vietnam is just a budget alternative to Thailand. Undoubtedly, travelling to Vietnam costs significantly less. However, such a comparison is entirely unfair. Vietnam stands apart from Thailand; it is a nation with its own rich history, distinctive charm, and diverse natural beauty. The only similarities are the stunning beaches, Buddhism, bustling road traffic, and rice!

    A tapestry of colors and hospitality

    A country of three cultures

    Vietnam boasts numerous hidden corners rarely explored by tourists. It maintains a traditional ambience that fuses Buddhist traditions with a hint of French lifestyle. (It's essential to recall that Vietnam was a French colony for a considerable period.) Furthermore, the country still bears traces of the unrealized communism era, with glimpses of pioneer scarves and Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum towering over Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi.

    A tapestry of colors and hospitality

    Beach Retreat?

    Certainly! The gentle waters of the South China Sea wash the eastern coast of Vietnam. Stretching from north to south are kilometres of beautiful beaches. In the south, it's warm and dry from December to April. In the north, a jacket is needed in winter, and temperatures rise to 40 degrees Celsius in summer. There are beaches perfect for surfing, kite-surfing, and diving. There are resorts for "lazy" tourists and others for those who love nightlife. Wild beaches also exist for those seeking solitude away from crowds.

    A tapestry of colors and hospitality

    Not only beaches

    Alongside the beautiful beaches, there are numerous attractions, stunning landscapes, and delicious dining places. Maybe that's why numerous tourists choose to stay here for an entire month instead of choosing a short holiday! One of the most sought-after excursions is a visit to the Cu Chi Tunnels in Ho Chi Minh City. In Hue, there's an abundance of imperial palaces and exotic pagodas seemingly suspended above the ground. A visit to the Kinh Thanh Citadel and the Forbidden Purple City is highly recommended. The capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, is particularly photogenic. It has maintained its traditional Asian features, delicately spiced with French charm. A visit to Hanoi can easily take a whole week. Dalat, a mountain resort, offers stunning views and genuine coffee plantations around. 

    A tapestry of colors and hospitality

    Festivals and Holidays

    One of the most exciting events is Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. Parades fill the streets, and fireworks light up the skies. Locals decorate their homes with apricot and peach blossoms! As you can see, Vietnam is filled to the brim with its unique charm. In every corner, in every small ritual, in ancient stones, and modern spa centers, there's a piece of Vietnamese soul waiting for you to discover!

    Sights of Vietnam

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