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    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem
    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem

    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem

    Who visited Montenegro ten years ago? Who even knew what Montenegro was at this time? Suddenly appearing on the tourism map, Montenegrin resorts like Tivat, Budva, and Kotor have already gained such fame that one of them is nicknamed the "Little Dubrovnik." So, what does Montenegro offer besides the beauty of the South Adriatic Sea, and why should you choose Montenegro for your vacation?

    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem

    A Small yet Vast Resort

    The shores of Montenegro are washed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea. While formally part of the Mediterranean basin, in reality, it differs significantly. The water here is less salty and usually a bit cleaner. This country, which regained its independence 20 years ago, is tiny—only 100 kilometres in one direction and 100 kilometres in the other. Nevertheless, within this tiny territory, you'll find mighty mountains, valleys, medieval towns, picturesque beaches, and even tropical forests.
    Getting around is incredibly quick. Buses run between major centres, and renting a car won't break the family budget. You'll need to adapt to the bold cowboy-like traffic culture, but that's all part of the experience, isn't it?

    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem

    From Fjords to Tropical Forest

    Montenegro's coastline spans 290 kilometres of sandy beaches and rocky coves. The Bay of Kotor is often called the southernmost fjord in Europe and it certainly reminds the fjord, with the picturesque coves, crystal-clear waters and mountain peaks. Along the bay, you'll find ancient towns like Kotor and Perast, as well as the modern city of Tivat.Further inland, the scenery changes: dense forests and stunning lakes, notably the crystal-clear Lake Biogradsko, nestled amid ancient tropical trees.Traces of a long history can be found throughout the country: fortresses, churches, and castles of different eras, unique ancient towns, and authentic villages. Since many of them haven't yet made it into international tourist catalogues, it's the perfect time to experience genuine life without mass souvenir trading.

    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem

    Popular Resorts: Tivat and Budva

    Among the modern resorts, the most famous is Tivat, known for its airport, the modern marina of Porto Montenegro, beautiful promenades, and vibrant beaches. The Bay of Kotor offers a wide range of activities, from diving, boat rides, and fishing to mountain hiking and lively nightlife.
    In Budva, before taking a refreshing dip in the sea, you can wander through the old city streets. Moreover, in Budva, you can choose a new beach every day and never repeat. All the beaches are just a few minutes walk away, and for those a bit farther, you can easily reach them by taxi.

    South Europe's Emerging Tourism Gem

    Montenegrin cuisine

    Montenegrin cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean and Eastern European flavours. Be sure to try "čevapi," grilled minced meat, along with hot bread or "pljeskavica," a type of meat patty. For seafood lovers, indulge in fresh squid, scallops, or other local Adriatic delicacies. Now, for something sweet – "tulumba," which means fried pastry tubes resembling éclairs and served with honey and nut sauce. Just reading this description makes my mouth water.
    Montenegrins are incredibly friendly and hospitable. The local philosophy emphasizes taking life slowly and simply, savouring the moment. At first glance, this may appear as laziness, but after a bit of practice, you might find yourself embracing this carefree attitude. Be cautious when returning to work after such a vacation!

    Sights of Montenegro

    Description of the resorts



    In addition to its dignified history, there is one great blessing here - the beaches with turquoise water are right in the city center and everywhere else. Hotels, spas, and rocky beaches inviting you to dive form truly most of the seaside downtown.

    The old town of Budva, surrounded by medieval walls, is a completely separate experience. Fortress-like houses, rocky arches, narrow cobblestone streets - as if you've stumbled into a medieval theme park. 

    Budva doesn't get boring even after sunset. Due to the numerous nightclubs, rooftop cafes, restaurants, and beach bars, Budva is called the nightlife capital of Montenegro. In addition, Budva is home to several cultural and film festivals.



    Tivat differs from its neighboring resorts in several ways. While many other Adriatic seaside towns are historically rocky and medieval, Tivat breathes to a much more modern rhythm. Newer hotels are almost always better than the old ones. There's no need to worry about musty walls in Tivat; even the cheaper hotels have fresher interiors. 

    Most of the beaches are covered in pebbles, which for many people are even cleaner and more enjoyable than sand. When evening falls, there's no need to leave the beach. Dip your toes in the water and have a picnic in the warmth of the setting sun. 

    You can save a lot on taxis here because Tivat Airport is next to the city.

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